Book Illustrations, High Functioning Anxiety, and the Call to Stand Tall

One question I get often is how much input did I have on the illustrations of The Anxious Lily. Here’s a short breakdown of what that process was like for me, as well as some fun pictures of the process! When writing a proposal for a children’s picture book, a best practice is to includeContinueContinue reading “Book Illustrations, High Functioning Anxiety, and the Call to Stand Tall”

Risks Worth Taking: My Writing Story

I got a 3 on my elementary school writing test. Do you remember those? It was in fourth grade. Each student was given a prompt, and you had a set amount of time to write a story using the prompt. The highest score you could receive was a 4.  I wanted that 4.  I gotContinueContinue reading “Risks Worth Taking: My Writing Story”

Just as He Said: A Free Easter E-Book for You

The resurrection of Christ changes everything. As an Easter gift to you, I’ve put together some writings from the last few years on the resurrection and how it has changed me. Included are 3 chapters: 4 Ways to Make Easter Meaningful for Your FamilyThe Longest Night of My LifeDeath, Where is Your Sting? Click theContinueContinue reading “Just as He Said: A Free Easter E-Book for You”

There is Both: God’s Goodness in the Joy and Sadness

Sadness. That’s what I felt the moment they placed her in my arms. And then – before my arms even tightened around her small frame – the sweetest joy. If I’m honest, the moment I learned of this pregnancy, I was flooded with fear. Fear of another loss. But also fear of what I wouldContinueContinue reading “There is Both: God’s Goodness in the Joy and Sadness”

The Longest Night of My Life

Weeping may last for the night. Some days it feels like the longest night of my life. I miss my children today—the ones I haven’t met yet. I’d hoped these days would look different, that they would include a chubby set of twins, their eyes following the zigzag patterns run by their older siblings. I’veContinueContinue reading “The Longest Night of My Life”

Every Heart Wants the Story

He had to use both arms and tilt his body sideways to support its weight, but you could spot the puffed out chest and unfettered pride from a mile away. A certain three-year-old had a brand new Bible. “This is God’s true Word, Ryleigh,” he told his baby sister. “Be gentle with it.” Ryleigh stuffedContinueContinue reading “Every Heart Wants the Story”

The Art of Left-handedness

A few weeks ago my husband and I were in our bathroom brushing our teeth before bed. “Why are you brushing your teeth left-handed?” my husband asked me. I glanced down and saw that, yes, my toothbrush was in my left hand. “Uhhh…” I paused, trying to think why I was doing this when IContinueContinue reading “The Art of Left-handedness”

When #Love(Really)Wins

I love my son. And because I love him, I want him to feel loved. Accepted. Safe. I don’t want to do anything to push him away or make him feel alienated. As he grows up, I want him to be understood. Comfortable. Appreciated. Heard. I want him to have freedom to explore and learnContinueContinue reading “When #Love(Really)Wins”