oh my goodness

The above picture describes my current feelings of excitement.  Oh my goodness – only four  more days until I head to Nashville to meet my team and begin training.  *Freaks out.  I’m extremely excited and at the same time slightly nervous about what’s ahead.  I can’t wait to see how God will move this summer – it’s going to be ridiculous.

My director put a post up on our site recently about how to be praying for this summer, and I wanted to share this and ask for prayer as the summer gets started.  1 John 5:14 says that if we ask anything of God according to His will, we can have confidence that He hears us.  Please be in prayer! 🙂 –>

This might sound cliche, but seriously, what we will be doing this summer we cannot do on our own strength. We need God desperately. Also, we’re not the ones who convince people of their need for Christ and His salvation – this is the work of God, so let’s be in prayer for hearts to be changed this summer.

Here’s some things you can be praying for (and you can pass these prayer requests on to your friends, families, churches, etc. so they can be praying for these things as well):

Some Things to Pray For:


-Campers who are not Christians or who need to make decisions

-For the opportunities to have ntentional conversations with campers 

-That they’ll “get it” (what it means to be a child of God, what it means to be a follower of Christ, the Gospel, etc.)

-That they’ll ask questions and understand what we talk about

-That there will be no distractions (especially in Bible study and worship or whenever the Word is being shared)


-Home situations (all kinds of things come up at camp from abuse to eating disorders to parents dying to parents serving in the military to divorce)

-For their relationships with each other (drama tends to happen in the dorms)

-For them to build relationships with the adults who bring them to camp and for those relationships to continue after camp (that they will be discipled)

-For their spiritual growth

-For those who are already Christians – that they will be challenged to grow and to reach out to others

-That campers will catch the vision for missions

-That their hearts will be open to what God has for them

-For their families – that they will share with them and that God will use them to reach their families and friends


-That they will be encouraged and have the wisdom and strength to minister

-That their time with God will be quality and that they will be nourished spiritually

-That they will be able to build relationships with the campers that they brought and have awesome God-conversations with them

-That they will be burdened to continue discipling these kids after camp

-That they will be seeking God in how to minister to the people He’s placed in their lives

-That they can be faithful to God and live lives of integrity

-For them as they deal with various church politics and drama

-For their families


-That we will be focused on Christ

-That we will be unified (that we will include each other and love each other)

-Pray against attacks from the enemy

-That we will have wisdom to know what to say to the kids and how to respond to them

-That we will have the strength needed to run camp

-That we will be intentional with each other and with campers and not let opportunities slip through our fingers

-That we will be awesome leaders and followers

-That we will be present

-That our time with God will be sweet, encouraging and challenging us

-That we will know how to love each other, encourage each other, and lift each other

-That we will have servant hearts, a willingness to help each other and put others ahead of ourselves

-That we will be faithful to the ministry to which we’ve been called, realizing that we’re never “off,” even when the campers go home

-That we will seek each other for help instead of trying to do everything on our own


-That in everything we do, we’ll work hard and strive for excellence to the glory of God


-Daniel as he preaches the Word

-The Band as they lead worship

-Bekah and our team leadership- the wisdom and discernment to lead our team in a godly fashion and to make decisions 

-Other CK teams – as they travel and minister (you can pray for them all the things we’ve listed under CK7) 

-JE and Lance (the 2 CK coordinators) – that they will know how to lead and what direction God wants them to take regarding this ministry, for their families

-Our site contacts and the support staff at our various locations – that we can have a good witness/testimony in the way that we interact and run camp, that we can work well together. Also, they have very stressful jobs and hear a lot of various complaints, often about things they have no control over – pray that we can be encouragement to them.

-Safety (for all involved in camp)

-Bible study, rec, and tracks – that God will work and speak through us as we teach kids

-Pray against tech difficulties, especially when the Word is being shared

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